Thursday, 6 September 2012

Toothbrush stitch markers

I have a tendency towards keeping things that I feel show some potential for future use. Now don't get me wrong, as I am in no way a hoarder.  I just hate throwing things in the garbage that aren't obvious garbage.  So, if somethings isn't obvious garbage, can't be recycled, and shows definite potential, I try to re-use it in some way.  That 'way' is not always apparent at the time, but out of the blue it will hit me like a lightening bolt when least expected.  I always like to show off these revelations to those in my life who think I'm a bit nuts to keep these things that they feel are just garbage.  And, this one I will share with you, too.

Case in point:  I use a Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush.  For anyone else who uses one of these brushes, you know that every time you purchase replacement heads, they come with a pouch of coloured rings that snap onto the bottom of the head to identify who in your family each toothbrush head belongs to.  These soft, rubbery rings do not, of course, have a recycling symbol, and you can never use them all.  But, being soft, rubbery rings, they somehow showed some hidden potential, at least in my eyes.  So, I've been keeping them, and I've amassed a decent sized collection, not really knowing what I would ever do with them.......until now!

I've been working on a sweater for a friend (pictured above), that is knit in Sirdar's Big Softie.  Not being a big knitter of chunky yarns, I don't really have the proper accessories.  I managed to find a 10mm (15US) needle to use that was part of a low cost inter-changable kit I was given years ago.  My stitch markers, however, were not quite big enough.  They would fit on the needle, but only barely, so it really slowed down the knitting.  NO FUN :(   Then, the lightening bolt! -- "Those soft, rubbery rings from my toothbrush might just be the right size for using as stitch markers on my large needles.".  And, they were!  They are working brilliantly!  Added bonus:  all those colours they come in make it so I can use one for marking the beginning of my round, and another for delineating the lace panel stitches.

So, (if you happen to use a Sonicare) you too can have toothbrush stitch markers ;)

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